
【女性向けエロ漫画】Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellows

Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像

女性向け同人作品 らぶカルTL/乙女向け BL オープンキャンペーン - 今すぐチェック!

Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像1
Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像2
Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像3
Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像4
Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像5
Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像6
Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像7
Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像8
Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像9
Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの画像10


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Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellows

Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの品番


Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの作品詳細情報

ジャンル 筋肉 乱交 フェラ アナル お尻・ヒップ 断面図あり 女性向け 成人向け 襲い受 総受 連続絶頂 ご奉仕
作品形式 コミック
ページ数 36ページ
メーカー 突き抜ける力
品番 d_269649
配信開始日 2023-04-18

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FANZA TV 無料登録で550ポイントプレゼント

実はこんな特典が!アダルト、アニメ、映画、ドラマ、バラエティー作品が見放題になるFANZA TVの14日間無料トライアルに登録すると、すぐに作品購入に使えるポイントが550ポイントもらえてしまうんです…!このポイントで話題の動画や同人作品、漫画、ライブチャットまでいろいろ楽しめちゃうんです!


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Flame swordman trains and savors cocks of his fellowsの、著者 おぐりんが注目するあらすじやポイント

36p, full color

The stage is Taisho era
It was created to exterminate demons harm people.
Night battle with Demon Slayer Corps and their leader!!

They struggled day and night to exterminate
Too busy and sexual desire builds up
Members of Demon Slayer Corps have time to
process their sexual desires
They’re so busy that they have no libido
haunted by monsters

At this rate, it’ll hinder his mission,
so He’ll start demon squad.
Kyoujurou Rengoku, who is also representative
leader and flame pillar, is cock of his friends.
He tried to deal with it in the name of

However, Rengoku is at the mercy of
flaming swordsman’s sexual desire, which
far exceeds his expectations.

For example, members of Demon Slayer Corps’re
very libido
it’s normal for them to ejaculate many times
In addition to that, it seems to be dozens,
no, hundreds
Is that cock attack the same as fighting demon?
It was a series of uphill battles for

Because Rengoku alone can handle many swords
at the same time.
because you have to stand up

Cock big enough to make the flaming swordsman’s jaw fall off,
I haven’t washed my penis satisfactorily for days
My friend’s pen*s skin is covered and covered with shame
I don’t like Rengoku even with a sword covered in the smell of a cock
I have to deal with it face to face

Because the members of Demon Slayer Corps risk
their lives
Because it exterminates demons
It is the responsibility of Flame Pillar to
serve such fellows!

At first, Rengoku is puzzled by tattacks of
many cocks.
Rengoku is fascinated by variety of swords
and becomes a prisoner of pleasure
Were you attracted to the pheromones of members
of Demon Slayer Corps?
He shook his hips and said, delicious!
The state of sucking cocks deliciously with
repeated calls

Rengoku has passionate personality, even when
it comes to harrows.
Flame swordsman’s aggressive torture and
Attack the cock of member of Demon Slayer Corps
with sexual techniques!

With Rengoku’s intense breathing, sexual
intercourse with males become greedy
There is no dignified figure of swordsman
there,drowning in pleasure
Figure is bitch himself
Rengoku is proud of his sexual acts
Showed off and provoked Rengoku himself
and worked hard at orgy

*Rengoku has sex with demons in the extra edition.



